I've seen this movie, before... and the Italian guy doesn't die first. In fact, he lives.
I am DONE being sad, depressed, and pathetic over everything that has happened, in the last two years. I have two amazing daughters that need their Daddy. I just met my little sister, for the first time. I have hobbies, aspirations, and one solid sense of determination. I have a valuable skillset that cannot be used by the National Guard.
So, why have I been like this? I'm not worthless. I'm not pathetic. I'm not truly alone. Why have I convinced myself that I am all of those things?
What's the difference between a king, and his horse? Instinct. I became the horse, and allowed my emotions to become the king, because I lost my instinct, somewhere along the way. Well, I'm tired of giving my emotions the ride through life. It's time for me to become the king.
I will do what the Army taught me to do, above all else.... I will adapt and overcome. I will not allow anyone or anything to rule my emotions, anymore. I will master myself. I will become more than I ever dreamed I could be.
This is my shining moment. I am no dog... I am the wolf. Top of the frickin food chain, I tell you. So, why have I been lying on my back, for everyone? Because I forgot what I am. I allowed fear and anguish to take over. I let the darkness consume me, because I made myself weak, by handing over control of my life to others.
No more. I'm tired of being taken for a ride. It's high time I took the wheel and stick into my own hands. The clutch is about to let out, boys and girls. Watch the tire smoke, and try to keep up... because when this burnout is over, I'm heading out at full speed.